Farid Sukmana
Fahrur Rozi

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29100/jipi.v9i1.5453


This study scrutinized four CMMS (Computerized Maintenance Management System) development projects using the K-Means clustering method to evaluate stages that require improvement by the GrX team. The projects under consideration were named Tim, Lix, Akb, and Mnk. The results indicated that the Tim project leaned more towards efficient CMMS development stages, while the Lix and Akb projects were predominantly in less efficient clusters at the implementation stages. The Mnk project had stages in less efficient clusters located at stages other than implementation processes. This suggests that each project has its unique challenges in achieving efficiency. However, the overarching conclusion is that the GRX team needs to enhance efficiency in the CMMS software development process. Several stages need to be evaluated, particularly the “data analysis and coordination” and “implementation of asset, work order, preventive and spare part modules” stages. Inefficiency occurs when the designing work time has a value lower than twice the workload. The K-Means algorithm was employed in the clustering process because it was believed that the data to be grouped was well-suited for implementation with this algorithm. The variables involved in this study were time and workload. This research provides valuable insights into the efficiency of CMMS development projects and offers a roadmap for future improvements.

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