
Open Submission

  1. We are accepting articles for the publication of Vol 11 no 2 in 2026.
  2. We only provide LOA without having to wait for publication time if the article has been declared accepted .
  3. Due to the large number of incoming articles and the limited number of our reviewers, the fast track review process is carried out in approximately 2 weeks, while the regular is around 4 weeks. Thank you for your attention.
  4. Please contact via WA Message 085646149638 for  more information
Posted: 2025-03-07

Accreditation Results

Based on Decree Number  Direktur Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi, Riset, dan Teknologi 152/E/KPT/2023, JIPI starting issue Vol 8 No 1 2023 has been accredited SINTA 3.  
Posted: 2024-01-17 More...

Accepted and Published Article


For your information, the publication in 2025 is already full

List Future Issue

Posted: 2023-03-02 More...
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