Aprianti Nur Alyah
Dadang Rahman Munandar



This research was motivated by low motivation to learn in mathematics lessons. This study aims to determine the motivation to learn in mathematics learning of junior high school students. The population in this study is Istanbul 8th grade students at SMPIT Abdan Syakuro Lampu Iman for the 2023/2024 school year. The sample in this study amounted to 29 students. The method used is qualitative descriptive with data collection using non-test instruments in the form of questionnaires. There are 8 indicators in the questionnaire, namely 1) perseverance in learning, 2) tenacity in facing difficulties, 3) motivation in the lesson, 4) independence in learning, 5) quickly bored on routine tasks, 6) can maintain his opinion, 7) not easily let go of what he believes, 8) likes to find and solve problems. The results of this study that the learning motivation of SMPIT Abdan Syakuro students is good. In reality the motivation of students learning is quite good, but the lack of encouragement from the environment to learn.


Learning Motivation; Learning Outccomes; Mathematics Learning

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