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Author Guidelines


Structure of the manuscripts

  1. Title.The title should be clear and informative
  2. Author's names and institutions. The author's names should be accompanied by the author's institutions and email addresses, without any academic title. For a joint paper, one of the authors should be notified as the corresponding author.
  3. Abstract, keywords, and MRBM classification numbers. The abstract should be less than 250 words. If article writen in Bahasa Indonesia, Please provide the abstract in both English and Indonesian versions. The key words should be of 3 to 5 words or phrases.
  4. Introduction.This section explains the background of the study, a review on the previous researches in the area, and aims of the manuscripts.�Importantly it should also show the significance and novelty of the research.
  5. Methods.This section describes the appropriate tools of analysis along with the data and their sources.
  6. Results and Discussion.This section explains the results of the study. It should be presented clearly and concisely. Author(s) should explore the novelty or the contribution of the work to the economics literature.
  7. Conclusion.This section concludes and provides policy implications, if any, of the study. The conclusion(s) should be at the same order with ones discussed in the body of the manuscript.
  8. Acknowledgments�(Optional)
  9. References.This section lists only the papers, books, or other types of publications referred to in the body of the manuscript.

General Writing Format

  1. The manuscript is prepared in a A4 paper, single-sided, and single line spacing format as in the template bellow.
  2. The manuscript is written in Bahasa Indoensia or English.
  3. The research article should contain title, author�s name(s), affiliation/institution, and postal address, abstract, keywords, PACS, introduction, method, results and discussion, conclusion and suggestion, acknowledgment, and references.
  4. The review article contains title, author�s name(s), affiliation/institution, and postcard address, abstract, keywords, PACS, introduction, discussion, conclusion, acknowledgment, and references.
  5. The manuscript should be between 7 to 15 pages long.
  6. The top and bottom margins are 1.18" inch.
  7. The title is written using capital letters only at first word or special name (example: location name), 16 font size, center position.
  8. Sub titles are written using capital letters only at first word or special name and 11 font size
  9. Sub of sub titles, if any, are written using capital letters only at first word�or special name. They should be started from the left margin.
  10. Sub of sub of sub titles, if any, are written using capital letters only at the beginning of each word except for connecting words. They should be started from the left margin.
  11. References should be those of the last ten years publication (>80%), except for key references (80%). Referring to any textbook should be minimized (<20%).

Specific Writing Format

  1. Equations�and formula should be numbered as (1), (2)...etc appearing to their right.
  2. Estimation results from a software package are not allowed to be directly presented in the paper. They should be presented in summary tables.

Tables and Figures

Tables and figures should be presented as follows:

  1. The name of tables and figures should follow a numbering system. The title of the tables and figures are placed at the top and the bottom respectively.
  2. The tables and figures should provide the source of information, if any, at the bottom.�
  3. Any table should contain only heading and contents. The table contains row lines only without column lines. Note(s) and source(s) should be included underneath the table where appropriate.�

Subjects and Authors Index

The authors should provide an index of�subject, namely the specific terms in the manuscript. The authors should also provide the index of authors, namely the key authors of papers referred in the manuscript. Please write the family name followed by the given name.


Citation in the text body should be written using the family name and years of publication. Example:

  1. Hill (2001) suggests that the objective of depreciation is ....
  2. Inflation targeting would be sufficient (McCain, 1982).
  3. The definition of contagion is ... (Wagner, 1976; Rhonda 2009).
  4. The Authors are recommended to use�Mendeley Reference software.


The manuscript is expected to involve approximately 20-25 primary and up-to-date references to assert high quality contributions to the knowledge development. Citations and references must strictly follow the APA (American Psychological Association) style. �References should include only works that are cited within the text of the manuscript. �Consulting the APA style manual ( is strongly recommended for completing manuscript submissions.

References should appear as:

Sparrow, D.G. (2010). Motivasi bekerja dan berkarya. Jakarta: Citra Cemerlang.�[Book]

Winkel, W. S., & Hastuti, M. S. (2005). Bimbingan dan konseling di institusi pendidikan. Media Abadi. [Book]

Maher, B. A. (Ed.). (1964�1972). Progress in experimental personality research (6 vols.). New York: Academic Press.�[Book with Editors]

Luria, A. R. (1969). The mind of a mnemonist (L. Solotaroff, Trans.). New York: Avon Books. (Original work published 1965)�[Translated book (Author: Luria, A. R., Translator: L. Solotaroff)]

Setyaputri, N., Lasan, B., & Permatasari, D. (2016). Pengembangan paket pelatihan �Ground, Understand, Revise, Use (GURU)-Karier� untuk meningkatkan efikasi diri karier calon konselor. Jurnal Kajian Bimbingan dan Konseling, 1(4), 132-141. Retrieved from�[Journal]

Shelly, D. R. (2010). Periodic, chaotic, and doubled earthquake recurrence intervals on the deep San Andreas fault. Science, 328(5984), 1385-1388.�[Printed Journal]

Wilkinson, R. (1999). Sociology as a marketing feast. In M. Collis, L. Munro, & S. Russell (Eds.), Sociology for the New Millennium. Paper presented at The Australian Sociological Association, Monash University, Melbourne, 7-10 December (pp. 281-289). Churchill: Celts.�[Proceeding]

Makmara. T. (2009). Tuturan persuasif wiraniaga dalam Berbahasa Indonesia: Kajian etnografi komunikasi. (Unpublished master�s thesis) Universitas Negeri Malang, Malang, Indonesia.�[Thesis]

United Arab Emirates architecture. (n.d.). Retrieved June 17, 2010, from UAE Interact website:�[Website]

Menteri Perhubungan Republik Indonesia. (1992). Tiga Undang-Undang: Perkeretaapian, Lalu Lintas, dan Angkutan Jalan Penerbangan Tahun 1992. Jakarta. CV. Eko� Jaya. [Legal Document]


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All papers will be assigned to independent experts for peer-review. A single-blind review is applied, where authors' identities are known to reviewers. Based on the comments and advice of the peer-reviewers, the�Editor will make a decision to accept, to reject, or to ask authors to revise the manuscript. For�Minor Revisions the authors will have one week to resubmit their revised manuscript. For�Major Revisions the authors will have two weeks to resubmit their revised manuscript. However, authors should contact the editorial office if extended revision time is anticipated. All reviewer comments should be responded to in a point-by-point fashion. Where the authors disagree with a reviewer, they must provide a clear response.


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. I certify that I have read, understand and agreed to the submission guidelines, policies and submission declaration of JP2M. Submission already using the provided template.
  2. I certify that all authors have approved the publication of this and there is no conflict of interest.
  3. I confirm that the manuscript is the authors' original work and the manuscript has not received prior publication and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere and has not been previously published.
  4. I confirm that all authors listed on the title page have contributed significantly to the work, have read the manuscript, attest to the validity and legitimacy of the data and its interpretation, and agree to its submission.
  5. I confirm that the paper now submitted is not copied or plagiarized version of some other published work.
  6. I declare that I shall not submit the paper for publication in any other Journal or Magazine till the decision is made by journal editors.
  7. If the paper is finally accepted by the journal for publication, I confirm that I will either publish the paper immediately or withdraw it according to withdrawal policies.

Copyright Notice

JP2M (Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Matematika) allows readers to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of its articles and allow readers to use them for any other lawful purpose. Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). The Authors submitting a manuscript do so with the understanding that if accepted for publication, copyright of the article shall be assigned to JP2M (Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Matematika)


Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.


Author Fees

This journal charges the following author fees.

: 800000.00 (IDR)
Fast-Track Review with Article Publication Fee

: 650000.00 (IDR)
Article Publication Fee