Roenita Sekar Wangi
Endang Haryani



This research aims to design an integrated strategic IS plan at SMUKI. This design will recommend regarding the utilization of current ICT resources and IS development in the future. This research employs a qualitative method based on the Digital Strategy Model, which collaborates data analysis techniques, among others Value Chain, Porter's Five Force, SWOT, and Mc. Farlan's strategic grid. After identifying the problem, reviewing the literature, and collecting data through observation and interviews, this research recommends IS strategic planning, namely a web-based and integrated School Information System. The result proposes the IS development blueprint and future application portfolio. The School Information System will integrate 11 new applications, 3 updated current applications and 1 upgraded current application which will be a new application. The target completion of this strategic plan is 5 years. Overall, the formulation of this strategic plan shows that SMUKI has potential ICT resources that can be utilized. However, this is not sufficient for long-term strategic interests. Therefore, school managers and the foundation need to consider the recommendations of this research to be implemented. The blueprint of School Information System development may serve as a benchmarking model for other schools who need of strategic IS planning, especially private high schools and schools in general.


Strategic Planning; Information Systems; Digital Strategy Model

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