Ilham Izzul Hadyan
Dana Sulistyo Kusumo
Jati Hiliamsyah Husen



There are challenges and drawbacks that will be faced in implementing a Scrum method. One of the problems is in Code Quality because the team only has a short time in each sprint. This causes the team to not be able to conduct a thorough code review, resulting in the team having to increase their workload and pressure. Code review is necessary to identify defects in the code before it goes into the core of the project. But the cumbersome, time-consuming and labor-intensive nature of code review causes a barrier in adopting code review practices properly. To simplify and speed up code review, the researcher will try to implement Continuous Code Quality (CCQ) with the Scrum process by conducting empirical experiments. By examining the effect on the speed of the process and knowing the point of view of the development team. Based on the experiments conducted, the CCQ automation system helps the development team in speeding up the code review process and maintaining good code quality. The biggest influence on the speed of the process remains in the complexity of the system built in a running sprint. Even with an automated code review system, a manual code review process is still needed to ensure there are no errors that cannot be detected by the automated system.


Automation; Agile; Code Review; Code Quality

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