Muhammad Jamhari



The aim of this study was to develop the two-tier multiple choice tests based on two indicators of higher-order thinking skills); level C4 and level C5. The subjects were: (1) an expert who validated the contents; (2) an expert who validated the constructs; (3) an expert who validated the items readability; and (4) eleventh graders. This was an R&D study adopted from Borg & Gall model. The results showed that: (1) validation of the contents indicated the mean score of 3.67 (very feasible category); (2) validation of the constructs indicated the mean score of 3.67 (very feasible category); (3) validation of the readability indicated the mean score of 3.50 (very feasible category); and (4) the students responses indicated that the tests were very good in small group tests of 93%. It was concluded that the two-tier multiple choice tests were very feasible in enhancing students higher-order thinking skills.


Two-tier multiple choice tests; higher-order thinking skills; R&D

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