The Role of Educators/Teachers and Students in the Process of Teaching and Learning Activities

Nujuluddin Siregar
Uup Gufron
Kartono Kartono



Community Service Activities at SMK Cakra Nusantara Depok are as a means of social service
in the context of Community Service and the application of science and technology to deliver
material on 'The Role of Educators/Teachers and Students in the Process of Teaching and
Learning Activities' in addition to sharing teaching experiences according to with the field and
background of the educators at the Foundation. What is our role as teachers so far in educating
and developing students' spiritual, emotional, intellectual, ethical intelligence in their lives, and
how educators apply learning theory while understanding their role, especially in the process of
learning foreign/English language activities at the educational foundation. How to apply learning
theory in various fields of school study is not easy, in addition to requiring professional ability
and responsiveness, of course, concern for learning itself is very important for each individual
educator. In this Millennial era, all circles are anesthetized by the rapid flow of information
technology, the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 or even 5.0 is accompanied by various fastpaced, instant and online life activities, so the responsibility of parents, especially teachers, is
even more difficult, namely preparing the next generation. The tough ones are ready to face any
situation, however that lies before them. One of the skills that they must possess and hone
continuously is the ability to master a foreign/English language which is a window for other
knowledge to be opened. Humans are born in the world not with an empty plate (the theory of
tabula rasa). Because every human being has been equipped with what are called 'faculties of the
mind', one part of which is specially created for language acquisition (Noam Chomsky, Universal
Language, 1959).


Process of Teaching and Learning Activities, Community Services, Application of Teaching

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