Axiology Values in the Film ‘The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader’

Mildan A. Fidinillah
La Ode Hampu



The purposes of the research is to describe and to find out the axiological values in The Chronicles of Narnia : The Voyage Of The Dawn Treader films. The method is used descriptive qualitative technique consist of  three steps : Reading the data source, the selection of the data from the data source, and  analysis of the data taken from the data source. The data For this research Is taken from C.S. Lewis’s The Chronicles of Narnia film.The Result of this research shows that there are alot of axiology values that appear on this film ,such as courage, kindness, honesty, wisdom, politeness, cheating or fraud, and beauty, sacrifice, dependability, and taught how to have good attitude and behave in our life.  This film is really good for moral education.


Axiological Value, life, education, film

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