Using The Edmodo Platform in Language Testing Course, University of Indraprasta PGRI Jakarta
The covid 19 pandemic has changed various sectors, including education sector. Then a solution is needed to answer these problems. Online learning is an alternative that can overcome this problem to break the chain of transmission of covid. Lecturers are required to find ways to design learning media as innovations using online media. One of the online learning medias that is currently developing and starting to be used is Edmodo platform. Edmodo is a special application that is used for online learning carried out remotely and can be used anywhere. The purpose of this study is to utilize the use of Edmodo in the student learning process in the Language course for the RG class, Indraprasta University, PGRI Jakarta. The type of research used is literature/library study and observation through interviews with students. The results obtained proved effective on student independence, lecturer creativity and optimal learning outcomes.
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